Angels Comfort Us Poem by Randy McClave

Angels Comfort Us

Angels walk amongst us
The Bible and many have said,
So, alone we must not worry and fuss
They comfort us through our sorrow and dread.
Whenever we need feelings to confess
Who knows an angel might already be there,
And when we need a friend to hold because of sadness
Many times an Angel has already answered that prayer.
Do not ever neglect to show hospitality
Especially to the strangers that you might meet,
This is a fact and not a triviality
There might be an angel walking up or down that street.
Many have entertained angels unaware
Ministering spirits who are sent out only to serve,
Souls and emotions they will happily and patiently repair
Us, they watch, and protect, and observe.
To those who are to inherit salvation
We must remember to be kinder to one and all,
Angels have been with us before man's creation
They even stand beside us when we fall.
They have comforted and protected both paupers and kings
Sometimes beside us, or patrolling the halls,
Though I really don't believe that angels have wings
I believe though instead, that Angels have four paws.

Randy L. McClave

Friday, January 18, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: angels ,dogs,pets
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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