Randy McClave

Randy McClave Poems

I heard the world crying
As though she was dying,
And then came the rain
As though sympathy to her pain,

Bring me flowers when I am living
Don't bring me them when I am dead,
Let me enjoy them in the giving
My mother always had said.

When he left his mother and the doctor spanked his hide
In that delivery room he then first cried,
But, that cry that he uttered so proudly and loud
Was a proclamation to all, that he'll make his mother proud.

Guard your heart as if it were gold
Guard it from thieves, so it won't be stolen or sold,
Protect it surely as you would protect your love
Keep it safe and protected and always there of.

Those who seek war
Will find war.
Those who seek hate
Will find hate.

Victory is ours!
Said one crow to the other,
As they soared in the sky above.
For below them they had spied

When a child is taught to use a gun
It's downfall from humanity has just begun,
They don't care to watch cartoons anymore
Instead they want to watch dramas, and war.

Love is special
Love is kind,
Love is joyful
Any day or anytime.

I am no man's rook
I go wherever that I look,
No one controls my every move
What I do, only I approve.

I'll never get mad at you
No matter what you'll say, or I do,
With you I just wanna stay happy and glad
Never sorrowful, or upset, or sad.

I Am My Father's Son
That is who I am,
Though I am, still his child
I am still a man.

It is a good thing indeed
When someone plants a seed,
And to watch and help it grow
So someday, it to be a tree.


I hear your sadness
And then I see your frown,
I am always listening
You are now depressed and down.

Out in the world there is a magical plant
But, to grow it, to use it, the law says that I can't,
A law was created by greed and a Christian legislature
Though this plant was created by God, and Mother Nature.

I stare out at the cherry blossoms
In marvel and joy I watch them bloom
Then they burst out with their effloresces
As though awaking from mother nature’s womb,

Drinking never made me a happier person
Nor did it allow me to enjoy my life more
If anything it caused my attitude to worsen
Then in the end I ended up face down on the floor.

We might meet again in this life
But, I know not the next,
No longer do I seek worries andstrife
And until then, just send me a text.

It is 3 AM
And I hear them,
Words are in my sight
They give me flight.

I would give you my life, if only that I could
But, I can't, so I will give you a plant,
You can then water it and then raise it good
Pretend that it's me, then you will have a tree.

"Let's build us a wall"!
Those words I do recall,
Let's keep foreigners and evil out, they did shout
That barrier will never fall.

Randy McClave Biography

I was born and raised in Ashland, Kentucky. I am a also former Golden Gloves champion, and I am United Steelworker. I write to reflect the life I have lived and the suffering and happiness I have been through. I started writing poetry when I was 11 years of age, I have been to many countries Japan, Spain, Canada, Mexico, Scotland, England and I have studied and learned of writings and poetry of the countries that I visited. I currently have 4 books of poetry published, I have been inspired by poets of the current and of the past, I see life as a poem waiting to be written..)

The Best Poem Of Randy McClave

I Heard The World Crying

I heard the world crying
As though she was dying,
And then came the rain
As though sympathy to her pain,
She was being polluted
And her body was being looted,
Myself and a million more sighed;
She just cried.

I heard the world moan
But, she was not alone,
I and a million more didn't like how she was treated
She was used, and abused, and cheated,
She gave us all a home to live
But, we took, we destroyed and we didn't give,
Promises to help her were broken and unkept;
She just wept.

I heard the world grieve
Maybe from what she couldn't believe,
Pollution it was now everywhere
And seemingly to her, no one did care,
They dug inside of her for coal and oil
They polluted her waters and the air and the soil,
And when man's protection for her failed;
She again wailed.

I heard the world howl
Then I heard her growl,
With her mighty winds and storms
From all of nature's platforms,
But, we won't care and we won't listen
Then will come an instant frisson,
We will ignore, and then us the world will deny;
She will die

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave Comments

Titi Dale 25 September 2012

Randy is a great poet, and I'll be sure to read more of him in the future.

64 3 Reply
Merry Christmas 26 December 2017


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Swapnil Anagal 08 August 2015

Cool stuff ;) you can do whatever...in 60 Seconds...Great work in 60 seconds...love it :)

4 2 Reply
jerihewitt@hot mail.com 01 September 2018

I love love the poem you wrote about Senator McCain. I am trying to share on my facebook. beautiful beautiful. i am Canadian. And truly loved that hero.

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Randy Mcclave 01 September 2018

Thank you :) True, John McCain was a great man with honor, pride and integrity, he will be missed. Thank you for reading my poem, and thank you for your comment. Randy

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Sylvia Frances Chan 19 January 2024

I will write down here what you told us in your BIO. Here your words are: I see life as a poem waiting to be written.. Such Beauty from your ardent pen. Thank YOU.

1 0 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan 19 January 2024

TODAY you submitted valuable poems, so very precious and important, but I have not found space to leave my comments, so I have done that here, IF I may. Thank you so much for shring your amazing poems today

1 0 Reply
Joe Baldassarre 15 November 2022

one more round is my favorite

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In this context, may suggest you to read my new series of poems on The Mỹ Lai Massacre Of Nineteen Sixty Eight by American army in Vietnam.

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Just read your poem " God's Country". A very bold poetic attempt against the misplaced sympathies of the American polity. Yes. I would blame it on politicians, who play into the hands of the racists for their short term gain

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Randy McClave Quotes

If it weren't because of dirty cops, dirty judges and dirty politicians. We would live in a clean country.

Yesterday it is gone, that is where we store our sorrows. Tomorrow will never arrive, that is where we store our dreams. Today is all that we are guaranteed

1. Life is short and sweet, so travel. 2. Opportunity will knock at your door once maybe twice, don't wait for the third knock. 3. If you don't answer the phone, they will stop calling you. 4. If you say 'no' once or twice don't expect a third request. 5. Being silent is the same as saying 'no' 'Yesterday has come and gone, we can't redo it or relive it, tomorrow will always be tomorrow, some of us won't be here to greet it. Today, is all that we are promised! ' Randy L. McClave

God gave us two hands to either aid or to destroy. Then he gave us freewill.

In the end we will all be remembered by our deeds, either by who we helped or by who we ignored.

We all are free if we want to be. The bars in our cage, are created by fear and rage.

Plant honesty, then there is no lies to ever dig up.

I never stopped having dreams, I just stopped having nightmares. Randy L. McClave

Even a hungry dog will bite the hand of the Samaritan who is feeding it.

It's always better to teach someone to laugh, than to teach someone to hate Randy L. McClave

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