Animals In Indian Culture Poem by SRIRANJI ARATISANKAR

Animals In Indian Culture

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In Indian culture
All animals and birds given due honour;

Lion is honoured as the carrier of Goddess Durga,
Goddess Jagadhatri and Siddheswari,
Ox is honoured as the carrier of Lord Shiva,
Rat is the carrier of Lord Ganesha,
Owl and Elephant are the carriers of Goddess Lakshmi,
Eleptant also treated as the carrier of Vishakarma,
Swan is the carrier of Goddess Saraswati,
Cat is the carrier of Goddess Sasthi,
Donkey is the carrier of Goddess Sitala,
Peacock is the carrier of Kartika,
Goat is the carrier of Saturn,
Snake is the carrier of Goddess Manasha,
Crocodile is the carrier of Goddess Ganga,
A fox is the follower of Goddess Kali.

Even a buffalo is worshipped
during the worshipping of Goddess Durga.

In India particularly to the Hindus ‘Cow' is sacred,
As it is treated the carrier of Supreme Mother of the world.

Dog is also representative of ‘Yama'

Dog and God
Sameness is the universality.


Durga........the wife of Lord Shiva. Most powerful Hindu God
Jagadhatri...Mother of the world
Siddheswari..Goddess of Success
Lord Shive....One of the tro (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva)
Ganasha.......God who grant success, Son of Goddess Durga and Lord Shiva
Lakshmi..... Goddess of wealth, Daughter of Goddess Durga and Lord Shiva
Vishakarma... An engineer God
Saraswati....Goddess of learning, music art etc.
Daughter of Goddess Durga and Lord Shiva

Sasthi...... Goddess of child-care
Sitala.......Goddess of removing pox
Kartika......God of war, Army Commander
Manasha..... Goddess of snake
Saturn.......An eveil God
Kali.........Goddess of destruction darkness
Yama.........God of death and religion

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