Arms Length Away Poem by William Mowell

Arms Length Away

My teenage days are just an arm length away
I'm 20 now, and I know in the past I cannot stay

Faded dreams and vibrant memories are all thats remains
Of a long forgotten time, like the horn of a distant train

Still images like a slide show in my mind
Metal and memories left behind

Another time, looking at another face
I find myself in the middle of a forgotten place

Burnt down for a mini mall
I can still feel the wind of Fall

And the smell of orange blossoms
Bad smell to some, to me it's awesome

Everything else has been replaced
But my memory will not erase

Pictures fade, and video corrupts
But my memory will never erupt

Tapes were still a popular item
If you had a beef with someone, you'd just fight 'em

No guns were involved
Fists were an end to a cause

Growing up meant driving a car
Not getting drunk in a bar

The girls were as rowdy as the boys
ATV's took over childish toys

The world stood still for a moment in time
At least, its stuck on a moment in my mind

William Mowell

William Mowell

West Palm Beach, FL
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