As I Wait For You To Come Poem by Krystal ...

As I Wait For You To Come

I wonder what's going to happen
I know what I want
I expect the worst
But I have no ideal what will really happen

As I wait for you to come
As I wait for you to drive up
As I wait for you to tell everyone hi
As I wait for your reactions
As I wait for you to come

I wonder what's going to happen
I wonder what you'll say
I wonder what you'll do
I wonder weather or not you'll actually come
I wonder what's going to happen

I know what I want
I know I want you to hug me
I know I want you to kiss me
I know I want things to go back to the way they were
I know what I want

I expect the worst
I expect you to just say hi
I expect you to say you don't love me anymore
I expect you to refuse to read the letter
I expect the worst

I have no ideal what's going to happen
I have no ideal if any of this will come true
I have no ideal to if you'll show up
I have no ideal what you'll say
I have no ideal what's going to happen

Andrew Bensley-Page 08 March 2010

dang you gotta alot of poems, haha, but i bet they're all good! ! !

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