Ascertainment Poem by George Tzouvaras


Indelible marks of silence,
incised grimaces of despair
in a thought of love and betrayal
You laughed at your luck
as they trample your proudness
You kept going in your darks
and every time that you got out by one dark
a shadow changed your cast
and it was became night.

Some sun rays assorted your breath
and some gasping from your tag
your only company in your godforsaken hours
Behind the bars and facing
severe glance of your guard.
You swore the time and the moment
that you breath for first time.
There were moments that death was a salvation
There were moments that their laugh ripped out your soul.
There were moments that nights seemed endless.

You knew love and despair
You knew defeat and victory
You knew truth and all of their games
You walked by their commands
You tried paths painted by blood
of thousand people before you
expecting a different result.
Smile in the doleful silence
Look the pain straight in the eyes

Before you, there were so many
After you, there will be much more
Misery doesn't end with wishes
Truth doesn't painted by blood
The world hypnotized suicides
in a convention of grey
and in truth for the many.
Cause there is no truth without pain
Cause there is no convention without a self-deceit

In the dark catwalks of this city
I spend my memories and burry my wishes
breathing with agony.

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