At A Close Reach Poem by Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)

At A Close Reach

Pleasures are things that we keep close to our heart,
As our troubles will come and go,
Never let them let them tear you apart,
So remember there always is at least one friend that you will always trust,
And if there is not, then we try to make some amends,
So let’s try to open our hearts and share those memories because it is a must.
By this we need to also remember that we will always have friends,
Boy, those pleasures in life will someday go away,
But sharing them with at least someone will always bring happiness,
Trying this might be hard for us to do, but it is something that we must display,
And always remember when those times get hard
Do not forget that the Lord is always there to bless,
That pleasure can be just as simple walk on that clear white sand on the beach,
Taking the time to feel that mist of water hitting your face,
Or to smell the salt in the air,
So please always remember that a friend will always be there at the right time and place,
And his/her arms will always be there at a close reach.

By Frank Pulver
July 19,2011

Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)
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