August Destiny By Gio Masserati Poem by Gio Masserati

August Destiny By Gio Masserati

August Destiny

Oh August Destiny calling my my name
Deep calls to deep
August rush is coming near us
I hear you feel you calling in the breeze
in vibrations
connected lines that string across the stars as we dangle
crossing paths and hoping our shooting star will release golden sparks of starlight
lighting up the sky with the moon hanging low between the sturdy oak tree that is constant
never moving always there
building trust in truths that are reliable like moon and stars and sun
giving frown to alternate truth of lies
consistent like my birthday that always comes
my August month of mine I share with the deep calling deep of my August rush
rushing August air and breezes bring me to my dreams
satellite images of you implanted in my heart's data base
Come to me August destiny
going only by feel
my pherimones have lost the scent of you
I am hopeless to surrender not desiring to let go
yet I know I must give you up
you are beating up my chest and trampling my only set of pearls
at your feet I lay it all down
my intentions my reservations inclinations of a made up love
I thought that destined truths of August rush would lead me to
would lead to you but no one is leading the way
August keeps calling and calling my name
and ever still breezes connect me with you your touch
can you feel me?
hear me?
smell me?
your'e calling my name August rushes coming through
invisible lines more powerful than the voices of wind
yet but a whisper in the shadows resounding though faintly there
promising fully a relinquishment of any abuse of power outstretched ego or farse
commited to filling the August skies with probabilities and certainty
trading in possibility and wretcehed com promise
knowing that I am in my de'javu moment
no hidden corner undenied now defined
Feel the pull of gravity as you float up to meet your dreams your destiny
leaving all behind to chance or will or might
taking all in of August's tender rushing

painted cherry roses surround me in a bed of August's distinct and fragrant melodies
I am released into the rushing tides of summer's breezy high

Oh my August Destiny

August Destiny     By Gio Masserati
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: fate,logic,true love,trust,waiting,destiny
POET'S NOTES ABOUT THE POEM's My Birthday...All Month long! Ecclesiastes 9: 7-11
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