Aurora Poem by Alison Mujati


To summer, spring, winter autumn.
clear skies gracing morning and evening.
Before birth
the golden sun,
earlier than her sleep time too.
Crimson Tide adorning the skyline,
Puts the fire affliction in the picture
A thing beyond glistening
The beauty of a crystal maze.

The wonder of creation within winking sleep
Babies giggle with their mothers
I can't stifle but smile back at the waving sun
Seeing her beam, the morning turns glorious
What a view?
It feels like watching beauty smile
A stunning view runs across the eastern sky
Shades of beauty and a blanket of hope
It promises warmth in full bloom
Come and get hope from the rising sun

Crimson visits towards sunset.
The velvety atmosphere summarises
She has some vibe
It's time for a reminisce
Good old times
When mothers nurse minors
Pampering them with glaring smiles
When childhood friends come to emotions
We wish them here now.
Old ages of sulking and regrets.
If only people keep the same
Not taking paths which they have
And keeping steadfast like being a mother.
Then all this lost hope could be intact.

In dust terrains of later years
When all changes to be unfit
We wonder what a future it is
When everything about in the present is bleak

The Aurora comes with colours
Green as in vegetation
Blue-black turning to grey.
Crimson to orange
Darkness steals the show
I guess that's eternity

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