B4 Love I Feel... Poem by munaph patel

B4 Love I Feel...

Before love i feel.....

Confused? ? ?
Even I’m! ! !

Every man is a poet when he’s in love...
How true,
But he does’t know how to be one...
He fails to express the actual time of love...

Why does it happen? ? ?
When it happens? ?
Nobody knows...
Just feel it when it happen...

It’s a gentle smile on the face of a beauty...
Don’t mistake it...
Let it happen don’t hurry...
Or else u ll be guilty...

The best part love is b4 love...
You cross by all the threshold of sweet pains...
All the time you perish about her...
Don’t module the captions of it...
Or else u ll be left with no options...

Most of the love happens through eye contact...
You just can’t explain the feel of contact...
It feels like a wonder...
You just feel it for more time...
If you express it, u ll miss the nice time...

Before u feel every moment is a harmony...
You are just speechless and feel symphony...
Let it happen some more time,
Control your hormones...
Its just the game chromosomes...

After you say the 3 magical words...
Your life ll be a music with no chords...
It will be regular thing...
U ll be left with nothing...

I feel it happens only once...
U can’t be in actual love more then once...
The word love vanish from the place...
It’s just ‘skin’ comes in that place...

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munaph patel

munaph patel

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