I can’t believe we are right back here again right where we started the first time this happened way back in 7th grade. Were right back to the weird looks we throw each other in class that no one else sees and all the feeling we hold inside. I never thought it would be like this or it would happen so many times, I just wanna know what’s going on in your head, how do you feel and why you look at me that way. I can’t help but wonder what you think and if you ever think of me. I know you see me glance at you in class cuz I see you too no matter how much neither one of us wanna admit it there is still a lot of unresolved feelings between us and it just doesn’t makes since that we are ignoring each other all over pride but you’ll see one of these days I’ll be just fine without you and I’ll stop writing these sad poems about what used to be….
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem