Balance & Braun Poem by Rachel Mehaffey

Balance & Braun

In this day and age, they say chivalry is dead
Right now I will speak from my heart, not my head

There are things I can't do walking solo sometimes
Like a hook that's too high or a ladder my fear of spidered
ledges won't let me climb

To date, I've done well but some furniture is heavy
These big pointer puppies are furballs of love
But bath time is bedlam, and those biceps of yours would really be heaven

There are things I am not too proud to say I find hard
We are built to be different, and that is ok
You're taller, stronger, and at times more handy
That's genetics
It's not prophetic

Yes, I can do it alone, but what if there are parts of the chivalry I don't want to disown?
My wallet is full and four walls secure
I don't need anything more from you than a man to love a woman as equal and true

Yes I like to feel small, my head in the nook of your neck
And my shape curled in yours when we lay there in bed
I love when you give me your jumpers to wear and,
A kiss on the forehead is something never to be spared
When you hold my hand it makes me feel safe and -
I love that you want to be the bigger part of our shapes

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