Baldwin's Shock Poem by John Sensele

Baldwin's Shock

Baldwin and his wife Gwendoline alighted
From their limousine and sighted
A flight of stairs
Where other pairs

Of patients climbed into a hospital reception
Where they received attention
'Careful, Gwendoline
It's a thin

'Line between seeing our firstborn
And blowing a car horn.'
Baldwin steered Gwendoline carefully
Until they registered duly.

Two hours later. 'Congratulations, Baldwin.
It's a win
Cos you're now a proud father.'
Baldwin from his chin rinsed shaving lather.

Baldwin drove like Lewis Hamilton
And fumbled with his mobile phone.
'I'm proud of you, honey.
Yes, I'm bring the money.'

Out of breath, Baldwin raced into the maternity ward
To reap his handsome reward.
A look at the baby and he knew something was wrong
As in his head played a sad song.

'A DNA paternity test is essential.
This matter is critical.'
Monica shook her head
From the maternity ward she fled.

'You see, Baldwin. That baby can't be yours.
In vain are your chores.'
Marvin kicked a hospital door
Spitting on the floor.

Baldwin stormed out of the hospital
Cos his discovery was fatal.
'How can I give birth to a Caucasian
When I'm not even an Asian? '

Anita wagged a finger at Monica
While Marvin played a dirge on a harmonica.
'This is crazy.
How I feel so dizzy! '

From Johannesburg flew the verdict
Which Baldwin's relatives could predict.
It came as no surprise
At sunrise.

Although the baby resembled Marvin
He sucked his inheritance from Kelvin
A Caucasian Gwendoline dated
And whose baby stakeholders debated.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poems
John Sensele

John Sensele

Ndola, Zambia
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