Baptized In His Name Poem by Bob Gotti

Baptized In His Name

As we go forth preaching salvation, we make disciples in every nation,
Baptizing then in the Name of Christ, from whom they received new life.
Also in the Father, Son and Spirit, when believing Truth as they hear it,
Baptized after they have believed, and God’s Spirit they have received.

Men from their old life must repent, to follow The Savior who was sent,
Sent from Heaven down to this earth, to grant all believers a new birth,
To be born of The Spirit from above, sent to men by The Father’s Love.
Baptism gives Believers identification, with The Lord of their Salvation.

Baptism is an ordinance of our Lord, and by men should not be ignored,
It is a part of the Great Commission, and a part of the Christian mission.
When people in God’s Truth believe, God’s Holy Spirit they then receive,
To help them turn from their old life, and live anew through Jesus Christ.

Friend baptism has no power to save, or change the way we do behave,
As it symbolizes what’s been done, since you’ve believed in God’s Son.
Baptism is simply that outward sign, of the inward change of one’s mind,
A change that begins in your heart; when from sinful ways we do depart.

You are immersed in Jesus Christ, to emerge from the water in new life,
You have buried your old nature to sin, and you then begin to live in Him.
To the world we’re not to be conformed, but in The Spirit be transformed,
Baptized into Jesus, who paid the price, so we could be a living sacrifice.

(Copyright ©07/2006)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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