Be Prepared Poem by Donna Saphier

Be Prepared

I'm absolutely shattered
But I just can't get to sleep
Every time I lay my head
I just begin to weep

I think of all my loved ones
Who has sadly passed away
I lay and have a chat with them
Before I start to pray

I pray to god above
To give them all my love
I then speak to the angels
who surround us all with love

I wonder where we go to
When we're on the other side
Do we start a new life
Or does God have to decide

I'm sending my love to my mother
Who passed aged fifty-seven
She was such a beautiful woman
I know she dwells in heaven

Then my dearly loved brother
Who passed age forty-four
I find it hard to understand
I won't see him anymore

Also my loving father
Who passed age sixty-eight
He was such a rum one
In fact, he was just great

The hardest for me was my husband
Which broke my heart in two
He passed at fifty-seven
And I didn't know what to do

To all of us who are still living
enjoy every single day
Cause you'll never know when the time will come
For you to be called away

Tell your nearest and dearest you love them
Make all your dreams come true
Spend most of your time together
Any time death could happen to you

Don't go to bed on an argument
For you could be the sorry one
When you wake up in the morning
And somebody close has gone

Prepare for the unexpected
Be honest, be faithful, be true
Then if the unexpected happens
You'll be strong enough to pull through

Sunday, January 28, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: deaths
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