Bearded Perseverance Poem by Felix Bongjoh

Bearded Perseverance

Rating: 4.0

(for a bison)


A rainbow arc flashed
with the old man rising
into his hump,

until his hill's peak
curved into his legs, his wheeled
feet rolling on
in faster strides for a run.

Whipped by snow,
he climbed the sun's shadow
and tried to run faster
than the sun's lake-paced rays.

But the sun outpaced him,
as he came face to face
with heavier screens of snow
drawn off the sun's eyes.


The old dude whimpered
in his cot, a baby,
who soon grew a heavy beard

and wallowed amid
stars of snow, roaming for room
to sprint to a moon

of heavier balls
and splashed slates of snow.

From a bag tugged
into his heavy winter coat,
he dished out

the tastiest flesh his guests
had ever had - a piece
of perseverance,
short legs carrying a heavy mountain,

when a sniveling baby
is caught running
in a heavy beard and cream flowers
grow dark-gray beards.

An evening flashes roaring fangs
and a lightning-tailed eclipse
plants both night
and day to harvest sun and moon.

A high sea wave
waves the bison's flag
unfolding daisy stars of light
and flying dots of night.

Saturday, July 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: animals,environment,kindness
Felix Bongjoh

Felix Bongjoh

Shisong-Bui, Cameroon
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