Beside You Poem by Tumisang Ramarea

Beside You

Rating: 5.0

Streaks of light from the setting sun are reflected
From the fingertips of the happy trees around
Us. You and I, friends are we? Our words deflected
From topic to topic by a sight or by a sound.
The eucalyptus trees stand tall on either side
Like sentinels guarding the stories and memories
We share. They are to our journey what a guide
Is to a tour. Safeguarding the rich melodies
Of your laughter. Streaks of light as you smile
Thinking my joke about baby tomatoes and teen
Potatoes is funny. Help me pick garlic and lime,
I pick the beef on time, thank you for being
Flexible. I promise to make you chicken some
Other time, just not today. But there is a fire!
Real sparks fly, stand away please don't come
Close to me because I am not ready for fire.
You sit besides me and I besides you on this
Orange couch. Somehow your head finds its
Way to my shoulder. And when my hand meets
Yours and they lock. Or when our lips kiss
Under a cloudy night in March, I would walk
Home with a bounce and a step. I wish I could
Have the words to describe it, to even talk
Out loud and say, that kiss was damn good!
You sit over there on your desk, your brain top
Alight with sparks of activity, productivity
Is when I get all my work done so I can chop
These bell peppers with such creativity.
It is a beautiful night, and I feel a raindrop
Or two fall on my skin, holding your hand.
If you wear a burgundy dress, jacket on top,
I'll get a tie to match, besides you to stand.

Friday, March 8, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Sometimes some people come into your life and they turn the ordinary into magic. They make simple walks feel like priceless moments. When they hold you, you feel like nothing can knock you over. They make you wonder, what if this turns into a beautiful journey? So I penned this poem to celebrate these special moments with one such special person. It did not lead anywhere, but it was a beautiful journey in its own unique way.
Jazib Kamalvi 08 March 2019

Write comment. Good piece, Tumisang. Read my poem, Love and Iust. Thanks

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