Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. Matthew (Chapter 17) Poem by Dr John Celes

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. Matthew (Chapter 17)

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Then Jesus took Peter, James, John,
And led them up a high mountain;
He was transfigured before them,
His face illumined like the sun;
His clothes became white like bright light!
Behold, then Moses, Elijah,
Appeared to converse with Jesus.

Then Peter told Jesus up there:
‘’Tis good that we are here, O Lord.
If you so wish, we’ll make tents three,
One for Moses, Elijah, you! ’

While Peter was still speaking thus,
A bright cloud cast its shadow there;
A voice from within cloud then said,
‘This is my Son, beloved one,
In whom, I’m pleased, listen to Him! ’

The disciples fell prostrate then,
On having heard the voice fearsome!
But Jesus came and touched them, said:
‘Arise and do not be afraid! ’
And then His disciples now saw,
There was no one, except Jesus.

While descending the mountain, then,
Said Jesus to them, ‘Do not tell
About the vision to someone,
Until the Son of Man be raised
From dead after three days had passed! ’

His disciples then asked Him why
Scribes say must come, Elijah first?
He said, ‘Indeed, Elijah will
Come and restore, all things aright.’

‘He has already come, I say,
And they did not recognize him;
But did to him as they so pleased.
The Son of Man will suff’r like-wise!
The disciples mis-understood,
He spoke of John, the Baptist then.

When they approached a crowd, a man
Knelt down and begged of Him and said,
‘Pity my son, O Lord Jesus,
A lunatic, he suffers much;
He falls into the fire oft,
And falls in water too often.
I brought him to your disciples,
But they could not cure his illness.’

Then, Jesus said, ‘O faithless ones,
Behold, perverse generation:
How long should I be with you all?
How long must I endure your wrongs? ’
‘Just bring him here to me, ’ He said.

When Jesus chided him, there came,
A demon out of him too soon;
The boy was cured at that instant.

When disciples asked Him, ‘Why Lord,
Why couldn’t we drive the demon out? ’

He said, ‘Because of little faith.’
‘Amen, I say to you that if
Your faith although be mustard-sized,
If when you order mountain, ‘Move!
It will move then immediately.
Nothing’s impossible for you.’

In Galilee, then Jesus said,
‘The Son of Man will handed be,
To men and they will kill Him then,
The third day, He’ll arise alive.’
And they were overwhelmed with grief.

When they had come to Capernaum,
The temple-tax collectors came;
They asked Peter, ‘Doesn’t your teacher
Regularly pay temple tax?

They answered, ‘Yes! ’ and entered house;
Then Jesus asked Simon Peter,
‘What is your opinion, tell me? ’
From whom do kings collect toll-tax?
Is it from subjects or aliens? ’

When they replied, ‘From foreigners, ’
Jesus said, ‘Subjects are exempt.’
‘That we may not offend tax-men,
Then Jesus told to go to sea,
And catch the first fish that comes up,
Open its mouth, you’ll find coin,
Worth twice the temple-tax; Pay them
For me and also for you then! ’

Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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