Pierre de Ronsard Poems

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To His Young Mistress

Fair flower of fifteen springs, that still
Art scarcely blossomed from the bud,
Yet hast such store of evil will,

To The Moon

Hide this one night thy crescent, kindly Moon;
So shall Endymion faithful prove, and rest
Loving and unawakened on thy breast;

Of His Ladies Old Age

When you are very old, at evening
You’ll sit and spin beside the fire, and say,
Humming my songs, ‘Ah well, ah well-a-day!

Sonnets For Hélène . . Extract

If to love, Madam, is to dream and long
and brood by day and night on means of pleasing you,


I send you here a wreath of blossoms blown,
And woven flowers at sunset gathered,
Another dawn had seen them ruined, and shed

The Rose

See, Mignonne, hath not the Rose,

That this morning did unclose

I Want To Be Inside You

A hundred times I wish I could transform myself
And become an invisible spirit that hides inside your heart
And seeks to comprehend your scorn

Ladys Tomb

As in the gardens, all through May, the rose,
Lovely, and young, and fair apparelled,
Makes sunrise jealous of her rosy red,

Deadly Kisses

All take these lips away; no more,
No more such kisses give to me.
My spirit faints for joy; I see

His Ladys Death

Twain that were foes, while Mary lived, are fled;
One laurel-crowned abides in heaven, and one
Beneath the earth has fared, a fallen sun,

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