Bittersweet Love Poem by Akande Lukman

Bittersweet Love

You turned your back on me after you spellbound me
Now my heart feels cold and in a state of somnolence
Never thought being in love with you would be so hard
I tried to erase those precious memories

But it shield my heart and soul like armories
Hankered much for your love, thereby losing my worth
Thinking you could brighten the corner of my mordor
I used to know you as a consoler and a solacer

But with you around, my heart sings in a melancholic Melody
I was lost in my emotions and your world of fantasy
You left me wandering in the realm of my own imagination
That's so unthoughtful of you, what a bittersweet sensation!

I tried to keep my heart strong as iron so it can't be broken
But was allured by your heart's magnet and now at its peak of rusting
I tried to erase you from my heart but you are stuck in my memories
Even with the heat of the love I Kindle I still don't feel warmth

I wished I could be like you so I could pretend not to care too
Pretend not to miss you as a way to castigate myself
For I was lost in the torrent of your deceptive love
An incessant torture of a lifetime

My heart was struck and stung by your love
I hallucinate as the venom moves to the core of my soul
It drains out my life energy and sets my spirit at pace
And my heart felt cold again

Monday, December 17, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: bittersweet love
Akande Lukman 17 December 2018

Thanks sir yoonoos peerbocus

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Akande Lukman

Akande Lukman

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