Black And White Poem by Sylvia Chidi

Black And White

Black White Black White Black White Black White Black White
Can you see the light?
Black White Black White Black White Black White Black White
Will you ever give up the fight?
Black Brown White
Gray White Black
Hey, what colours do we lack?
You see nothing is ever bright or dark.
Black White Black White Black White White white
Green Blue Red Black
Black White Black White Black White Black Black Black
Yellow Purple Violet White

Morning and Night
Left and Right
Unite and disunite
Alright can you be my dark knight
In shining armor above our campsite
Tonight history shall rewrite as we reunite
These colours are endlessly water tight
They take the pleasure to moisten our appetite
Gold Silver Black and White
The colors bark louder than they bite
At first sight and out of sight
Do you give your best to the worst?
Or do you give your worst to the best?
White Black White Black white Black White Black white black
Black Black Black Black
White white white white
white Black White Black White Black white Black white black
White white white
Black Black Black
Best Worse Better Best Worse
Do you give the best to the worse?
Or do you give the worse to the best?
Is colour about race?
Look at your gaze
Is colour changing at a fast pace?
Does a color stay in one place?
Does a color have an ace?
Is color something we can trace?

Magenta cyan
Gray purple green black
purple yellow blue white
red yellow black white
red blue black grey white
grey blue orange black
magenta cyan green yellow black
Black White Black White Black White Black White Black White

White brings the light
Black brings me back
Brown removes my frown
Yellow makes me mellow
Pink makes me think
Blue is me being true
Orange at first seems strange
Green feels like an earthly win
Red and my blood makes me feel fed
Pink and my eyes wink

Is there a dark force?
Or a white loss?
Now who is in the dark
Now who is in the light
Black White Black White Black White Black White Black White

Many of us discriminate in so many ways each day. And a lot of it starts with colour and then it dissolves into other elements. So let's focus on the root first before we branch out. If you can get people to understand the significance of colour then they may begin to see another side of the beauty of the Universe and just the ugliness. And that is what this video and poetic performance is all about.

Copyright 2019 Sylvia Lovina Chidi
Nothing has been designed by accident! Sylvia Lovina Chidi

Search for my video on you tube Black and White Poem

Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: color,discrimination
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