Beautiful! Poem by Sylvia Chidi


Rating: 4.0

Honesty is beautiful
Kindness is beautiful
Intelligence is beautiful
Talent is beautiful

Beautiful is a romance with such abundance
Beautiful are the flowers that roam the earth
Beautiful is awaking to the sound of singing birds
Beautiful is a disguise
Playing hide and seek inside and outside
Beautiful is as naked as the rising sun
Beautiful is delightful and truthful
Beautiful is the golden daylight that shines
And the taste of sweet colored red wine
Beautiful was never ever created by mistake
Beautiful is the ingredient we bake life's cake
When all or nothing is at stake

I am beautiful
You are beautiful
We are beautiful

Beautiful is great
Beautiful is sweet
Beautiful is love
Beautiful is power

Come to me Mr. & Mrs. Beautiful
Let me into your little secret
Of why you are so obedient and dutiful

Copyright 2005 - Sylvia Chidi

Check out my bestseller Alien book from Amazon in September 2012. (Only Trees Live Forever)

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Vitty Fung 02 June 2008

I feel it.. we should reward everyone beautiful.. each indiviuals is beautiful in so many ways

15 5 Reply
lochlan lochlan 16 June 2024

feel these nutz across ur face 😹😹😹

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Love it! We could find beauty every where, we don't need to go to specila places.

15 5 Reply
Maggie Wong 11 August 2009

I really like this poem.

11 8 Reply
Dr.subhendu Kar 06 June 2008

still man is only beautiful being to keep this beautiful earth, exuberance of excellence when flws across the beauty, , , , , , , great write,10+, thanks for sharing

11 6 Reply

Loved this truthful and wonderful poem. Great write. Enjoyed. Top score already given.

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Juliet L Languedoc 21 July 2020

Indeed a moment of beauty. Thanks!

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Wordswon''t 01 July 2019

Beautiful if you like boring.

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Ramotlhaba Chrisjan 21 September 2018

Beautiful is this poem

1 0 Reply
Ramotlhaba Chrisjan 21 September 2018

Beautiful is this poem

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