Blood-Curdling Blackmailers Poem by John Sensele

Blood-Curdling Blackmailers

Blackmailers brimming with selective amnesia
Bully the world, brew a crisis into a cult
Demand the withdrawal of Nobel Prizes from Asia
While on individual intelligence they heap injury and insult.

Blackmailers brush aside the sufferings Africans endured
From slave trade, pillaging, distortion of their history course
Suggesting crimes perpetrated by slave traders and robbers of African wealth are insured
From prosecution because Africans nowhere in the international community have recourse.

Blackmailers in ignominious fashion ignore injustices
Perpetrated against Africans over the centuries
To build empires, elevated economies and posh palaces
Do not matter regardless of African furies.

Blackmailers claim business as usual
As long as they control information, choose and pick
To brush aside the plight of long-suffering Palestinians, nothing unusual
As long as their perverse agenda, arsenal and ammunition tick and stick.

Blackmailers boast of bully power
They deploy to satisfy a stilted sanctimony
In which dissenters they shove into a shame shower
Filled with anti-progress antimony.

Blackmailers bend bully balance
In their favour
While with no sense of shame they dare not distance
Truth from lie in each egregious global endeavor.

Blackmailers excise the expansion of the UN Security Council
Claiming and reserving selective power of veto
They've wielded since 1945 as they kill the Pact Warsaw
To hoist hegemony, irredentism and history revisionism under the aegis of NATO.

Blackmailers shift goal posts
Whenever progress draws near
With frivolous fanfare and tequila toasts
To promote a culture of fear.

Blackmailers can't conquer the indomitable human spirit
Regardless of maneuvers they deploy
Some day soon truth seekers soon greet
The prospect of freedom for all and justified joy.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poems
John Sensele

John Sensele

Ndola, Zambia
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