Bond Of Love And Friendship Poem by Chealu del Castillo

Bond Of Love And Friendship

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I've never thought we're gonna be friends
We maybe have a lot of differences,
But we are most likely in so many ways.

I thank you for the bond of friendship.
I promise that this I will always keep.
Thank you for being there
When everything seems to be unclear.

When my life turns to grey,
You are always there to help me pray.
you are always on my way
When obstacles are so hard to carry.

In our life journey,
I've witness that love is what makes you happy.
And to be loved by him is always I pray.
Realizing your worth is what I'm hoping
For you are so worth loving.

Sweet words are easy to say
but he doesn't always makes you feel that way.
Despite of it, you still believe that love ends you stop hoping.
Love ends when you stop believing.

Never doubt his love for you
If you find his imperfections, let it be
If you survived the pain;
the happiness is satisfying.
Never find the perfect love of him
'coz love without pain is impossible to live in.

If everything would change
and everything would fade
Still I wouldn't break
The bond we have made.

I won't promise to be your friend forever
'coz I won't live that long
But let me be your friend
As long as I live.

Remember whatever it takes
I'll be with you to share laughs and tears.
You're always a treasure to me
A friend of me 'til the end of time.

I'll be with you stay the bond of friendship
To be with you to cherish the bond of love
You always keep.

(poem was made by my friend Miss Yell - last August 07,2011, her birthday gift for me)
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