Both Good & Evil Rise (2) Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Both Good & Evil Rise (2)

For some, the end is not all doom
The truth’s no devil’s knife
The grave is but a temporal womb
The door to endless life

God gives the choice how this can start
Where life may now begin
For those with Jesus in their heart
And those who’ll die in sin

We’ll see the face of Christ the King
The holes in hands and feet
We’ll hear the praises angels sing
When Jesus’ bride they greet

But what a day of sad surprise
When death reveals the news
When hell resounds with painful cries
From those who Christ refuse

Yet fools abide by Satan’s rule
Whatever scriptures tell
They say, “No God would be so cruel
To make a place like hell

There is for man no judgement day
That life is not a test
No debt in hell, man need repay
Just death; and endless rest”

Make no mistake, the bible’s true
Life’s trials are not in vain
From God we’ll all receive our due
Both dead and born again

For those in chains and all the free
For those at Heaven’s gates
For those contrite on bended knee
Eternity awaits………

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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