Bread And Shelter Can't Compensate Life Poem by Tulsi Shrestha

Bread And Shelter Can't Compensate Life

Bread And Shelter Can't Compensate Life
The property that you've lost, can be regained
But the life once lost, can't be revived
Under no any circumstance.
Hence, you need to express
A sense of reverence & bow down head
In honour of their devotion
Who have sacrificed their lives
For security of your national sovereignty.
As a business man, you definitely think of
Your personal benefits, then only
You care about customers' interest & comfort.
How do you dare to compare your subsidy
With precious lives of martyrs
Who aren't belong to and weren't born
In your country which you entitle as Great.
You really need to learn to respect those
Who lost their lives so that
You can liveA meaningful life as
A Citizen Of Independent Country.
Despite celebrating their Memorial Day
You feel glorious and proud
To insult their country and their ancestor.
Where is morality, does humanity inside you
Evaporate like bubbles of water.?
Have you ever spoken a single word
In their favour when they are in pain
And the country to which they are obviously
Belonged, is itself in grip of invasion.
I need to remind and recall your attention
Money can't, no, never compensate
The blood that our ancestors and brothers
Had shed for preservation of your teritory.
Salute straight from inner conscience
A sense of reverence for Bravery & Loyalty of
Both British Gorkha And Indian Gorkha Regiment
A poem dedicated to Gorkha Army

Composed by Tulsi Shrestha
@copyright reserved

Monday, May 25, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: blood,life,martyr
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