Built On Sin Poem by Jacob Courtney

Built On Sin

This is a house built on sin built on all things
unholy and yet it stands with no sign of falling
or shattering. How can something with pure darkness
be allowed to stand on this land. It destroys all
who dare go to it to brave the evil that lays within
it. Many oh so many have braved the rumors braved
the legends and dared to enter it. They are warned
everytime yet they do not listen. We are just
superstitious that fear something that does not
even exist. Is it fear that controls us or is it
knowledge and wisdom that guides us in staying
clear. It is said that t night you can hear the
devil himself making a stir doing only God knows
what. Anyone caught by the likes of that creature
is surely met with a cruel and painful fate. For years
and years this house stands for it appears to be the
perfect house with no need of repair. However on the
inside is desolate with the walls almost non existant.
Giant holes in the floor that seem to have no bottom.
It has almost become hallow with no way to repair all
of the innerworkings. This is the house biult on sin.
This is those of us who stand in sin.

Joseph Poewhit 14 May 2009

Nice analogy of concept put in vivid words. SIN, eats away like a cancer.

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