Cancer Of A Man Poem by Black Consciousness Poetry BCP

Cancer Of A Man

You fear, yes you do.
you are feared assuring
yourself and It might
be true since you can
only give what you
have, fear on the skies
of your contempt, deep
in the lonely seas of your
blue eyes something sparkle,
It's everlasting bone fires
of fear.

The kind of fear that
silenced the beating
hearts of vibrant ancient
Which later became an
itch on their family's
wounded spirits and
conquered humanity.

Parasite, a parasite that
came with indian ocean
strongest wind, battling
sailing ships, cancered
by the blazing sun that
kiss us, suffocated by the
dazzling wind that hugs us.
Mama Africa forswear
you, forsake you.

Cast out, angry and cold
as the sea that birth you.
As blood thirsty tap worms
deep in one's belly, Mama
africa vomits you and sun
burn you.

You invaders of her body
landscape, soldiers of decay
white blood cells, who
came as neatrophil travelling
through her body with
blood, she allowed you in her
veins, she bodied you but
Infectiously you turn against
her and spread greatly
killing every organ of clans
that glimpse of life, of hope.

She lost her heir, suffered
the greatest of pain, from the
hell that opened and it rained
terror, under the sky of her eyes
circled volt of vultures endowing
the smell of death, among the
living, the cancer of a man fed
on her children's fatality.

The cancer that took Robert
Mangaliso Sobukwe, Bob Marley.
If the loss of appetite is common
with cancer, you are definitely
the cancer that killed Stephen
Bantu Biko, the betrayal cancer
of Patrice lumumba, Thomas Sankara.
cancer like bullets that collapsed
the lungs, suffocated life out of
Malcom-X, Martin luther King Jr and
many more of us who remain unnamed
in mass graves, shallow graves.

Yes you, you little white lie
that eluded, divided her
dear sons and daughters.
Behind every shadow you
are the finger that pull
triggers, the arriving ships
the sound of cannons, the
hand of death.

We no longer fear you, cancer
of a Man. Solely because
we have discovered that
our self love and our unity
is our chemotherapy. We are
no longer on the bed of
despair, under the white
sheets of hopelessness, our
voice is recovering becoming
stronger and louder, you will
no longer silence us.

|Suss KaMzibeni|

Cancer Of A Man
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