Canto Cc From 'yrland Regained' Poem by Kevin Kiely

Canto Cc From 'yrland Regained'

How quickly Major and his bumboy Mayhew
and Reynolds stand down
their papery flowery 'Downing Street Declaration' (1992)

airbrush out by Britain tardily shiftily
‘laying documentary booby-traps' (McCrory)

gone the ‘self-determination' clause into waste bin
behind hollow words

Lloyds, Bank of England, Queen Victoria's
fallen empire fear Yrish bombs since 1848

there never was
any Yrish clause in
The Downing Street Declaration

imagine rather, Yrish jokes behind
Hell's door Downing Street

joint declarations are single, declamatory dogmatic
they are about London

and tit-sucking scumbags
with gun licenses smelling of chip fat
toasted baps shadowing Shankill

& Paisley's gang waving gun licenses
London's aggressive Insurance
Policy west of the Bann until they sort their addled brains

‘Yrish infamy' dared shoot into being becoming Twenty-Six Republic
Yrish war dirtier than even loyalists

& London Tory's imaginings death dealing to Fenians
their women, children, and especially their gunmen and

1995 Mayhew's declaration to RA:
disarm, agree decommissioning, decommission
with no decommissioning for orangey brigades
hence RA bomb Canary Wharf

concrete steel infrastructure
demolition status
no decommissioning for orangey loyalists ✓
(separate part of London's gnarled brain pan)

in the Dead of Night, controlling Six Counties
roads, checkpoints, spot-checks
balaclavas hide
combined killing units
SAS, MI5, UVF, UDA, UFF, British Army, RUC [...]

too much repetition

—Not since the year 1171
no such is in print, till this—

McCrory aspires to ‘greatest achievement of republican
movement […] wrung this acceptance of Yrland's
essential nationhood from the Brits'
(qua 'Downing Street Declaration')

big deal Mc ‘wrung' requires plus rhyme rats
plus boom boom, rat tat-tat

Fr. Paddy Ryan Ra Bomber (design project team)
Warrenpoint, Hyde Park, Brighton

‘I'd like to have been more
effective but we didn't do too badly! '

from 'Endgames: Good Friday Agreement & Missus Windsor's Hitmen'(2020)by Kevin Kiely (Cyberwit, India)

Saturday, November 28, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: war and peace
Kevin Kiely

Kevin Kiely

Warrenpoint, Ireland
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