Catch Me From The Wind Poem by Mary Bishop

Catch Me From The Wind

Rating: 5.0

I feel like a leaf
Blowing through the air
No security or stability
Just blowing anywhere

Rarely can I find my place
My place of peace and rest
Maybe it's time to fly away
So I can be my best

It wasn't long since I was there
Safely by my tree
I've found out, I know
Is it that hard to see?

Why can't you look at my face?
Look me straight in the eyes?
If only you knew my thoughts
How could one tell so many lies?

But of course it's not just me
It's everybody out there
Your lies are piling up
And it's getting hard for me to bear

You are so selfish tree
Think of all the others
Just think for a moment
The lies made to all your brothers

It takes a hardened heart
And that I believe you possess
But its me also
There things I must confess

Do you remember your other leaf?
It took off long ago
But do you even know why?
It was because she too does know

I thought you were intelligent
You've always told me so
Why can't you understand?
I don't want to be your foe!

So why not, when this leaf blows by
Catch it from the wind
And confess and I'll forgive
I'll forgive all you have sinned

All a child wants and needs
Is a parents love and care
But this leaf's relationship
It really isn't fair

So catch me! Catch me from the wind!
Save me from my despair!
Show me that you love this leaf
Show me that you care

Amanda Baines 30 March 2007

I definitely like the poem, but I must agree with Declan, you need to let the emotion through. Plus, you may want to work on the timing a bit.

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Declan McHenry 30 March 2007

A neat and sweet piece Mary but I feel the rhyme constricts the emotion. Thanks for sharing.

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