Changing In Good Ways Poem by raquel stevenson

Changing In Good Ways

The question yesterday about book resonated on my mind. Changing in good ways
So much more there than book. The whole journey of things I have been going thru in the last 2 years or so. Questioning my own decisions and those of others. Not as angry, accepting others. Not necessarily wanting to interact with them, but accepting them in their conscious and unconsciousness.
About a year ago or so, I let go of marriage. It was hard, came to reality of it. Kept going thru motions for sake of fear, until sake of fear became too against self. At the time I didn't know how to express that though.
The path had already been layed out and I didn't know it. I used to pray and curse the skies for not doing something to get me out of that. I felt seriously that I deserved it, I was in hell and being punished. Many times thought what's the point to my existance. Under the smile I was scared, sad, and alone in it.
Then, for the hell of it, I asked what book you were reading. I say ' for the hell of it' because, I didn't read any. I was just curious. Then, Bam, Freud started putting words to my pain. Tearing my Self down, breaking it up. My self was so hungry and thirsty for answers. Then next book, I associated with others. No longer alone. My life was in those pages.I cried and felt, after being so shut down. Then next one, I started seeing, like a sunrise slowly peeks. A way out, a way to better. It was hard at times, my old self fought valiently. Lots of words, lots of tears, people I love thinking I lost my mind. Came to find out I was suppose to. Try explaining that to those people. Haha. By the way, I also found out that women are amazing.
Then the next step is extreemly important, I picked next book all by myself. Yay me! And I like it. All this time, becoming aware, disecting, and disecting and rearanging again. Wow, is an understatement..
Disecting relationships, with you and others. The reality of them, the reality of the awesome-ness of me.
I am not done yet, never will be. Going back to beginning now, probably more words there maybe tears, I don't know
But, I am going and I am not afraid. Being where I was really affected my whole world. I spent a lot of time re-enforsing the falseness of it all.
So to answer the question
Yes, changing in good ways.

I know this isn't a poem. Its a letter. But I know I am not alone in what I have been going thru, so if anyone needs a little inspiration to get back to what's real and truely you, I hope this brings it
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