Chasing Sleep Poem by Alfred Ramos

Chasing Sleep

Rating: 4.8

A thread of light hangs suspended
Through a curtain not yet closed
A pocket full of dreams
Hide underneath my pillow
Waiting for a mysterious door to open
I fight to fall asleep
Like a silent assassin
Sleep slips away with novel stealth
In the backdropp of shining stars
A crescent moon peeks through my window
Yet I seek refuge under the sheets
With too many thoughts
Crowding the cobwebs of my mind
Yesterday tries to creep into tomorrow
Like a snail on a slippery slope
Angry branches fight a hostile wind
Scratching against my window pane
Though closed, my eyes see too clearly
All the wrongs I yet to right
I know sleep is just around the corner
But every emotion seems to be in reverse
Tossing and turning just strangles the sheets
To the point of losing circulation
On an already numb torso
Dawn has come knocking way too soon
Chasing away a creamy yellow crescent moon
Exhaustion overtakes twilight
I stare into blank space
Thinking who needs sleep anyway
Darkness pushes down heavy lids
As the alarm clock goes off

Naseer Ahmed Nasir 22 June 2009

This poem is a beautiful blend of broken imagery and surrealism. Chasing sleep is like chasing time..........10/10. Regards Naseer

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Alfred Ramos

Alfred Ramos

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