Cheerleading. Poem by Sara Amidon


Rating: 5.0

I found my niche in life
In a sport not quite like me
Because on the outside
You saw a shy, timid, tomboy
Who avoided eye contact
And wore boy shorts and had scraped up knees.
I was afraid to speak my mind
And had never worn a skirt
Bows just disgusted me
And make-up just seemed like way too much work.
But slowly I fit in
Cheerleading became apart of my life
It kept me away from home
And all the pain and strife.
I became more outgoing
My true self began to shine
I had found my true identity
The identity that was mine.
Cheerleading saved my life
In too many ways to count
Without cheerleading
I wouldn’t be who I am now…

Sara3 2008

Frances Turner 24 January 2014

As a counsellor. I come across lots of people who have no self worth and feel invisible to an extent until they find their niche in life - Something that gives them a purpose and a reason for living. Beautifully expressed in this poem with such honesty.

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Jerrica Juarez 03 March 2008

Sounds just like.... me... i never thought that i woudl be a cheerleader in my whole life..untill this year i tried out adn made the varsity cheer squad... i was too a tomboy.. i would wear my brothers clothes a hated dresses and make-up... nice poem this is one i would put on my wall =)

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Meggie Gultiano 02 February 2008

This is very nice Sara..Everybody has his/her own outlet.But still, home is the best place.Love begets love..

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Shalia Robinson 25 January 2008

Love it gurl. I'm glad you are finding your true identity. Me too it keep the good work up okay

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