Childrens Book-Adventure #4-Mike E. Meanderer Hears A Buzz Poem by Christine K. Trease

Childrens Book-Adventure #4-Mike E. Meanderer Hears A Buzz

Rating: 5.0

As I was walking down the path that leads from my house to everywhere,
I heard a sort of buzzing noise coming from out of the air.

I stopped dead still, I looked around, I squinted both my eyes,
But I could not see a single thing, much to my surprise.

So, off I went, once more, on my way, but the buzzing began again.
Once more I stopped, and listened hard, held my breath to the count of ten.

Off in the distance I could hear a buzz, to what it belonged I don’t know.
Maybe this was an adventure for me to find out what was buzzing so.

So, with my cherished pocket watch and my compass slung at my side,
I set off on today’s adventure, a buzzing noise to find.

I wondered what it belonged to, was this creature great of small?
Was it nice, and wanting to be a friend? Or was it a creature at all?

It could be some farm equipment that was working and buzzing along.
Oh, my mind was filled with curiosity, to what did that buzzing belong?

Every step I took, I would patiently pause while straining my ears to hear,
My heart pounded loud with excitement as the buzzing noise grew very near.

Then, all of a sudden, my eyes fixed upon, the creature who made the strange sound.
He was stuck in the midst of a big floppy flower, with honey goo all around.

He was such a cute little fellow, and i said, “It’s my pleasure kind sir.”

Then he said, 'do you think you could lend me a hand? I’m stuck in this flower, that's for sure.''

So, taking two fingers, so careful and steady, I reached out to pull the thing free.
Then he yelled, 'wait a moment, ' I jerked to a halt, he said, 'don't touch my stinger you dummy.'

I looked at his front, then I looked at his rear, and sure enough, on his behind,
was the prickliest, pointiest, pokiest thing, his stinger I’m sure I did find.

Then how will I get you from out of the goo? And what is your name? And what shall we do?
Just calm down and take this dilemma much slower, after all it is me, not you, stuck in this flower.'

'We’ll figure a way to get out of this goo, and buzz is my name, buzz the bee, who are you? '
I said, 'hi, I’m mike e. my last name's meanderer, ' and the bee said, 'I’m lucky that you're such a wanderer.

I might have been stuck here for many a day, and through many long nights I am sure,
for I flew far away from my buzzing bee friends, farther away than I have ever before.

Most of the time, we bees don't fly alone, in case we get stuck in a mess,
but stupidly, I flew off all on my own and got caught here, and you know the rest.

Now you could get your little friend buzz bee unstuck, with a flip from a twig from that tree.
You could catapult me from my sticky, stuck state, then a happy, free bee you would see.'

So I looked on the tree, for a little, wee twig, one that maybe could un-stick the bee,
and I found one that looked like a good little flipper, as shiny and smooth as could be.

Then I slid the twig under the little bees tummy, and prying with all of my might,
I flipped the bee out of the flower and the goo, and sent buzz bee soaring high, clean out of sight.

I panicked and frantically ran all around, searching the hillside for buzz...
and crying out, 'don't let my bee friend be dead, ' or it would be my fault just because...

then all of a sudden, I stopped in my tracks. what was that sound in my ear?
could it be? would it be? surely it was, a buzzing sound growing more near.

Then, in a flash, buzz bee circled around, did a flip, and then sat on my nose,
And he said, 'thank you Mike E. for getting me loose, and for being my friend, I suppose.'

And then with a leap, he sprang into flight, up, up, and away he did go.
It felt rather good to have helped little bee, and to have a brand new friend to know.

So back down the path my little feet went, from everywhere to my home,
and I smiled to myself, feeling all warm inside, for today I helped buzz get along.

James Mclain 10 April 2009

I enjoyed this very much for a moment you had me rescuing the buzz in my you..

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