Choices: Poem by Chris Leermakers


Contemplating life
and retrospective views
help me with the past, the now
and future
to find all the clues
looking only
from the bottom
leaves us lying in the rain
the only way is up
this I can retain

Stretch me all the way
away from the black edge
raising my vibration
all correct frequencies
just like a true pledge
do I have choice?
yes I decide to play
we always had a choice
it works out best this way.

We are the ones who face it all
yeah we're the ones
never In stasis
the ones with real faces
always strengthening our bases
the ones using
our true voices
the ones always making
our own choices
yeah shout now
loud, use them always
never lose them again
we're the ones who don't fake It
even if we don't make it
the ones,
always facing it
we're the ones who create it
yeah aways create it
so now just fly

Tell the muppets
to don't bother
planting any tricks
or any fantasy shit &
make believe
it will all
leave that place
with nowhere to hide
I don't plan to deceive
to reach any side
choose wisely this time and just simply leave
do something else
with your life.
yeah, you yoù
the pathetic little trolls
just decide.

Oh, It's good to see you
haven't seen you for so long
we've both been busy making a few different accomplishments
I hope that I'm not wrong this time around
yes beautiful, you're looking so much better now
starting at such
a low descent
gone through
so much trauma
yes, that's what I call
a real surviver,
a real soldier
an outstanding accomplishment
you deserve
many more compliments
each to their own
it works out better this way
we all have a choice
yes, so we should always decide to play.

Hey there, what are you doing?
are you sure you're alright?
some are mysterious
and bizarre clowns
but still don't understand
the places we've seen
depths explored
the true customs, our laws
yes all the ways
if our wild land

So superior are they?
out of their mouths
comes nothing.
nothing useful at all
just half-truths, false information and lies
now tell us how can you try to contradict?
contradict what I saw
yeah what
we all fucking saw.

One thing I have learned
and this
I have learned quickly
pay no heed to others
as a lot think they're holy
take care of yourself first
then get back on your feet
sometimes you have to take a step back
and get off the seat
off this perceptual seat
your potential is enormous
always embrace,
use your magic
don't need to ask the question why
just go ahead, make your choice and do it
now and loud...
the sky Is yours
so fly...

Chris Leermakers

Chris Leermakers

Melbourne, Australia
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