Chosen Vessel Poem by Shannon Wade

Chosen Vessel

Chosen Vessel

I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the lord has done.

The lord has chastened me severely but has not given me over to death.

Psalms 118: 17-18

God blew his breath of life into my soul

Bringing forth an invitation to salvation

When I made that choice

The choice to side with the good

Dusting my feet from evil

I entered an eternal battle

The righteous will conquer if they simply withstand

The taunting laughter spews from temptations mouth

For he expects the elite to fail

Grace continues to remind us to look ahead, reminding us to no loose our focus

“Destiny lies just ahead” grace utters, “Just hold on a little longer.”

I feel into a pit

A deep pit surrounded by sickness and disease

Doubt lie in wait for me

The enemy had giving doubt specific instructions

Demanding that he entangle me

Hand and hand day and night

The enemy attempted to drown my soul through manipulation and guilt

My hands grasped on to the edge of the cliff

Fear looked on as my life dangled

Deaths stomach began to growl

Hoping I would dropp into his hands

But behold who has the last word

The one who gave authority over this very test

Pulling me out of the mud and mire

He place my feet on new ground

Giving me a firm place to stand

I am

His chosen vessel

By Shannon Hogan

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