Christmas Musings Poem by George Twitchell

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George Twitchell

George Twitchell

West Hartford/Bloomfield Connecticut

Christmas Musings

With snow storms waiting in the wings,
We're not quite sure what Christmas brings.
Will Santa's reindeer's noses freeze,
And will they balk at frigid breeze?

Will all the ice and snow on roofing
Make for Rudolph slippery hoofing?
And will the gent with beard of white
Be warm enough to do it right?

It's not that easy, don't you know,
To find your way through all that snow.
What's meant for Johnny or for Sue
May find it's way to Timbuktu!

I know that Santa must be weary
Of setting out on days so dreary.
My calendar has days reputed
To come with weather better suited.

I think if I had planned the day,
I'd probably have chosen May,
When flowers bloom and spirits rise,
Instead of now, light's near demise.

I know...His birthday is the reason
For celebrating in this season.
But couldn't Santa, Blitzen too,
Both make the trip when summer's due?

Let's make this Christmas just a time
To honor Him whose life sublime
Did show The Way for us to trod
That we might live more close to God.

And then let Santa do his thing
Some other time, when birds do sing.
The children then can focus praises
On gifts that come from Daddy's raises.

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George Twitchell

George Twitchell

West Hartford/Bloomfield Connecticut
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