Civilization[bonapartea's Paradigm] Poem by Daegonius Bonapartea

Civilization[bonapartea's Paradigm]

I sit here as this world civilization deteriorates further from a level 1 civilization

Condescending lies descend from the space of deception like rain over a dry desolate barren land

Flames breaching this world nearer each second coaling the unfounded truths of these worlds' ancient geniuses' ideas

As we disappear, materializing our fate further away to solidify our future like the stones of old

And as we fall from the thrones of science like mythological beings fall from their godhood

Oh how inconceivably ironic

The highest of all earthly life forms yet it seems we have much a more a problem than any other species

The simple thought that "we" are the best life forms exacting the act of ignorance that leads us away from our earthly goal

The atomic mass be dropped and atoms smash and corrupt us like feeble ants by the neighboring colonies

Little do humans think that we are like those little ants in which many other ants inhabit neighboring places around our world

And do you think that they are not near? Or perhaps that they cant possibly exist. If so then you should be dust before the wind now albeit you're conscious. For you would be just like the ants thinking they are the only ones and the bees and praying mantises.

And what to do when your ideals have been vanquished due to them being wrong all along and that comet of truth come crashing your ignorance will be all that is between you and between I

If only, oh yes if only I weren't in this civilization.

Yes as I said before I am merely a living anachronism before this present catastrophe yet I am the future and yes even so are you.

A carcass for all am I to you and are you too

Just an atom in the sea of your heart

And a tear of an atom in mine own

All the same and different is me from you and yesterday from tomorrow.

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