Clever Mother Nature Poem by Gabriel Mc Keown

Clever Mother Nature

Rating: 5.0

Mother Nature is
Too clever by half
Fashions her moods
Each and every year,
Forging good and bad
Times in her stride.

Spring and Summer
She puts on a
Kind motherly show
Visits every glade and dell
With sweet offerings
Feeds the sprightly land
With lively growth

She places sweet flowers
Like lavender and bluebells
Growing along,
Sides of babbling brooks.
Along hedge-rows
She has woodbine daisy
Dandelion and thistle.

She plants yellow gorse
And heather on mountain tops
To colour her growing grass
Shading it from Brother Sun.

She is at her best these
Sweet and tender months
Showing her motherly streak
In kind and gracious ways,

Looking fondly down
On young things,
Emerging bulbs and flowers.
Rabbits and lambs
Playing in fields.

In cold and wet
Autumn and Winter
She shows her cruel
Wanton streak,
Attacking land in a temper
With fierce winds, rain
Ice and snow.

Along with Mother Moon
And fierce gales
She forges waves in the sea
They become grey and white
With anger and rage,
Tossing and turning
Battering cliffs and coastlines
To pull them down.

Saturday, August 18, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: poems
Chinedu Dike 24 August 2020

Well articulated and nicely crafted in persuasive poetic expressions with conviction. A beautiful work of art. Thanks for sharing, Gabriel.

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