Conversion On The Trail Poem by Bill Grace

Conversion On The Trail

The glass that throws colors
Pink, blue, green, orange, red
With a power greater than florescence
Charms me most in darkness
In bright sun has almost no power
To even lightly charm this soul.

My daughter would be distraught,
That ownership rights being both emphasized
and honored in our clan,
She was not even consulted
In her father's appropriation
Of a toy converted into beer glass.

In the darkness of the world -
(Those who rebel against it
Or at least in the word of Bergman's squire - 'protest')
A few may find an allegory here -
My form almost certainly not charming enough for poetry's sphere.

Despite the bashing
Given by those who do not understand
The issue comes to 'son' and 'sun.'
Jesus has light to give in our darkness
A truth transcending even the transparency of saints.

Trophies have great power that the hymn writer understands.
Car, house, title, wife - can serve as well as anything on any mantel.
For some having little else they become the idols of worship.
The world is a hungry place,
Jesus can not change this, but perhaps the issue is:
If we take his blue print seriously
This makes it much more difficult and likely
That we will not eat each other.

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