Covid-19 Poem by Shafeeq C P


Rating: 5.0

A virus can change your life
As it is with the humanity now;
And that created a new world order
Where paradoxes rule
Over the rule of normalcy,
Where quarantine is socializing,
Untouchability isn't a crime,
And a mask isn't a taboo!

To keep the schools away
Is education,
To leave the holy place
Is piousness,
To lock yourself inside
Is health,
And not to travel
Is experience!

The tyrants who meant to
Deport their own men ask
Them to be at home,
And the curfew known hitherto
To a few in the world
Is everyone's destiny.
The least harming preachers
Make the most possible damage
In that dark zoo
Where men are caged
And beasts are free!

Those who bragged their systems
Are trapped in those systems,
When the hoarded armaments
Are of no use
To fight a micro enemy
That crept into high places,
And the master that lived on
Selling arms to harm
Is imploring his servants
To send drugs in abundance!

The poets who envisaged
The vastness of the world are
Shrank to fortified walls
By applying hand sanitizer
As frequently as they could.
This reminds me of that urned critic
And his language of paradox
Which is now applied
Beyond the horizons of poetry!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: virus,disaster,disease
Ali Hamza 17 April 2020

Real talent and profound vision.

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Aadel Yousuf 13 April 2020

Good poem on life today... Very true..

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Ashique.k 08 April 2020

A very good poem. I’m fully impressed

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Muthukumar P 08 April 2020

Very nice...

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Anurathna 08 April 2020

Wonderful..... Its true..

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