Crush And Cruise. Poem by Marshall E Gass

Crush And Cruise.

The weight of the wisdom we seek eludes
us as we stagger into dark dens of knowledge
suffused and selected, stored in gigantic libraries
of the mind by those
who know
yet wont divulge the details to those
who wait
arms outstretched
for the yearning.

In between lie wannabes
who seek the sun of comments
to glorify themselves as a birth right
unwilling to accept the acid pen
or pain of knowing how falsehoods
lie like wounds exposed to inspection.

Writing poetry in plain language is better
than compromised with complexity.
Just the words and visuals singing on the same note
should suffice to stir the minds magic
to ecstasy.

The crush of wisdom dispels us from climbing
over the boundaries of decency
to sizzle a comment with depressing ease.
You can hear the ego deflate and flatten
akin to a robust balloon descending
to earth like a flightless fancy
with no wingpower.

Not every poem straddles and sparks
in sheer finery
Lots and lots of them refuse to take off
and surrender to the minds star burst
of meaning.

In a days reading maybe
of a hundred, just one line would light up
a dark sky like a comet racing across the page
leaving behind its fairy dust
for us to ponder upon. One diamond
in the dust of lifeless energies
is worth mining for!

Author Notes

This is 1000 comments down and still counting. After thousands of reading, it strikes me that the finest poets are the craziest! Don't ask me why.? I don't know. Maybe its the way they see themselves in their words and visuals?

Countless readings later only a few jump to immediate attention. Something in the way they write is compelling. One thing is for sure, its not about quantity its all about quality. Its easy to pick the ones that were just dashed off and the ones that were thought out in exquisite form and structure.

A thousand comments later I'm still learning. There is yet so much ground to cover. The more we read the less we know.Somewhere, somehow a 'newbie' comes along and writes captivating stuff.

Will I make 2000 comments? Lets try. There is yet a Walt Whitman, a Maya Angelou, Robert Frost or a e cummings still in the making!
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 7, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: metaphor
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