Marshall E Gass

Marshall E Gass Poems

the links go viral in the wondrous wasteland
people notice blue lettering
take journeys in rivulets of meaning
down pages pumping information

inside the cavernous mystery
that exists within you.
Self-reflect and remain silent

All he could see were numbers
that reached out and grabbed taxes
and takes, invoices and expenditures.
He could not see explanations of delight

Slice the city into two parts
rub salt into open wounds
break down the armoury, shell out the sickles
and spikes and bamboo arrows dipped

Both seamless in their searching
the inside and outside
my mind is bitter and bold
should I or should I not?

The manicured lawn behaves splendidly all summer
never pushing its way through the throngs
of flower beds and razor cut edges.

For a man who held fire in his homilies
and set the souls aflame with hell
he was gentle at the apse, smiling, smiling
warm hands and crisp cuffs and collars

You leave Haast in the velvet valley where the bras
hung just before, dangling breasts of mountains
rearing their nipples of snow at your watching.

Black and controlled in the corner
eyes piercing the arc of reason
talons out twitching
staring emphatically back

the entire universe entered through this
umbilical chord
strumming in tune
its lifeblood housed

The separation was no more than continents of Circe
Apollo and Atlantis hidden under veils
of age and vintage, years of waiting for the wine
to mellow and hum in vineyard romances of lustre


Dear family and friends
At last, my son is walking the long gangplank
to a happy married life. God bless his final journey to sanity.
I'm sure his beautiful bride has learned how to

In the darkness that dispels all hope
we fumble with meaningless insight.
What we said does not relate to what we want
and yet we embrace boundaries to punish ourselves

Tyres and trash climbing to four long stories high
burning the dynamo of governments made
from variegated beliefs in sharing seats
unspent people divided by calculated fear

Old T Rex stood on the mountain top
And watched the brontos stroll
Little did he know that further up
Moses was on a roll

I'm not brave, never was and never will be
any scars I have are hidden in deep dungeons
somewhere in the vast open spaces of my mind
They are too deep to dig out and analyse. Even try.


Spark kissed tinder
burst into flames
As men gathered in tight knots
Stitched up a street riot

There is synchrony in all things
Nature nurtures
Balances beauty to the beholder

Come, come into the daybreak of the dawn rising
from the mists of the mind and its sacred numbers
clasped in the twilight womb of knowing,
punctuated itself into a sob of joy.

Im done and dusted
packed away in a shoebox
of transparent memories

Marshall E Gass Biography

I return to Poem Hunter after a long spell away. In the interim I have published 24 books with 7 volumes of poetry. Books translated into 6 languages (French, Spanish, Tagalog, Hindi, Tamil and Chinese) . It has been a long absence away. Currently Im am writing my 8th volume of Poetry with Maelstrom being the last anthology. More recently I run Spaces on Quora called the Modern Poet. Feel free to investigate Quora, search for me by name and be invited to publish your poems to an audience of my followers who now number 15.7 million. Here is your gateway to becoming a Poet of value to face reviews and criticism. I have also been invited to several Literary Conferences and presented my work to large audiences. Several of my novels (fiction) were proposed to be become movies! Being with a wider audience (all by myself) is an exacting enterprise. Find me by name: Marshall E Gass-Novelist & Poet. Be a friend. Feel free to write to me to critique your work (for a small fee) and assist you to become a Novelist/Poet too. Thanks.)

The Best Poem Of Marshall E Gass

Social Media

the links go viral in the wondrous wasteland
people notice blue lettering
take journeys in rivulets of meaning
down pages pumping information

its crazy this desire for numbers
on twitter, FB. linkedin loops
click click click we go on a virtual
merry go round
dog chasing tail?
the circle widens, ripples

be wise they say
keep it clean, smart
as we manage this momentum

will the bubble burst
in a connected world
where we remain faceless, voiceless
life on a keyboard
ruled by a mouse

scampering through ghost people

its time to go back to living
and handshakes and kisses
phone numbers in wallets
smell skin and taste and touch

its time to sleep now
forever unconnected.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved,14 days ago

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Marshall E Gass Comments

Kawika Stafford 14 September 2015

Marshal Gass please be original on your poetry Black Eagle Dream is a sham.

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Abekah Emmanuel 31 July 2014

indeed we were made for love, what else? ................but inculcate more emotional words to bring passion to the poem. well done!

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