Crying... Poem by Elizabeth Jordan Heinbuch


Crying over your glass
You glance up and you ask:
If I were to die today
by something i couldnt escape
Please tell me:
What would you say?
Id say...
Dear, What could I say?
I'd say Im sorry
for being so selfish
so sorry-
but i couldn't help it.
We both promised- you know?
I'd say i miss you...
Ask where have you gone to?
But inside...
I would know...
I'd say a slow goodbye
But i'd leap into the fire
just to save you
just to hold you...
once more...
I'd wonder why
and everyday I would die
For you
For the rest of my life.

Putting down poison
to forget all of the reasons
and pass by blank seasons
relieve all of your emotions
and drown in the deep oceans
of your own chemical death.
Smearing the tears on your face
trying so hard to erase
the guilt and the fear
you've been feeling for years
but you've never quite chased them away.
So I'll take my place
Carry your burden away
And refill your cup
with a liquid love
I'm hoping is not better than mine.

Cradling your corpse in my limp arms
Nursing your broken heart.
Holding my beautiful baby bairn,
my little boy,
wounded and bare.
So softly whispering... whispering...
shhhh...don't cry... please... don't cry...
No- I mean
Go ahead and cry....
Cry for salvation
Cry for damnation
Cry for life and for death
Cry- There's nothing left.
Downing the rest of your drink
So drunk, you can't even think
When your speechless prayers begin to slur
And you vision- it blinds and it blurs
And your soul silently stirs:
Only fleeting fluid thoughts
which seem to haunt
Always w/ their dreams of God
So please...
Don't be afraid to dream
As you weep yourself to sleep.

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