Crying Eyes! Poem by Martin Greyford

Crying Eyes!

Rating: 5.0

Look at me now
And see what you have done to me.
I was one of the person you loved the most
But today marks the beginning of your life
In a different world and place.
We were together way back
But unfortunately I couldn't be the guy
You desired the most,
Couldn't be the person you wished to have
Sorry I failed to be responsible for you,
It's like I was not serious with you,
It's the only word I can say now.

Just turn back and look at me
For the last time of your life.
We sang together,
We did all that perfect duet together,
We wrote songs and composed poems together.
We co-wrote that novel -vision of love- together.
But today you are in the hands of another man,
The one your heart has approved,
The one your family has accepted.
So what will become of me now?
I don't know where to go; or
What to do next for my ego is shattered.

My eyes are filled with tears
Due to the pain of losing you!
Just turn around and see my crying eyes
Maybe you will give me a second chance,
Oh yes, maybe you will feel pit forme.
Infact I'm not crying but
Shedding tears of loss
I've been a fool for not putting in
Much efforts on you.
Little did I know that one day
I'll be left alone with memories only.
Pictures of you and us together will be burnt.

It's really sad,
Heart breaking,
Devastating and
Depressing seeing you go just like that
Without you saying a proper goodbye.
How I wish you had time to see me
In this deteriorating state I'm in now.
I'm rotting with pain inside of me,
It's more like I'm in jail given a lethal injection,
To kill me slowly while they are waiting
To bury my body the following day.
You have given my crying eyes a lethal injection.

Saturday, May 4, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: sad love
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