Dark Sky And Rain 1958 Poem by Terry Collett

Dark Sky And Rain 1958

I didn't go
to Ingrid's father's funeral

it was a small affair
of mostly family
(reluctantly) who came
a few hangers-on

all dressed in black
they left the flats in cars
(unusual sight
in the Square)
and went off
I watched them go

later Ingrid came
and knocked at my flat door
and my mum answered it
is Benny there?
she asked

yes come in Ingrid
Mum said
how did the funeral go?

sad seeing Mum
and others cry
Ingrid said
looking past Mum
to see if I was around

I came out of the lounge
and she came to me
and put her arms around me
and squeezed tightly

want a drink Ingrid?
Mum said

Ingrid nodded and said
yes please
and Mum went off
to the kitchen
and we went in the lounge
and sat on the brown settee

what happened?
I said

we went to the cemetery
in the cars and there
were about a dozen people there
and the funeral men
and a vicar
and we went in some chapel
and sang hymns
and the vicar spoke about Dad
and it seemed a different dad
from the one I knew
no one else said a thing
and then after
we came home
Ingrid said

do the cops know
who knifed him yet?
I said

no not yet
she said
but the police came
around yesterday
and talked to Mum
about people
but she has no idea
who did it
she was quiet

Mum bought in two teas
and went off again
and I looked out
the window at
the dark sky and rain.

Monday, July 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
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