'Days Of No Regrets' Poem by C.A. Glawson II

'Days Of No Regrets'

Rating: 5.0

© 2012

No regrets, this day was filled with the heat, I can remember.
Autumn skies at night become clear in this cold, September.
My heart; beating with blood and cheeks that run with tears.
Day by day, but best advice you can take when facing fears.

No regrets, but past is a documentation of what built you up.
With less than thirty, I felt empty and lost but you filled my cup.
This is how a man decides his path; consider a stalled out life.
It was in the beginning, escape the lands with your single knife.

No regrets, for a drifting person who is lost but has ambition.
It was a shock, the way you would explain our past condition.
The care offered for the lost you show, is stronger than mass.
No cloudy eyes, the chances arise to see the true bright dash.

No regrets, I first thought of lust and how I was very wrong.
If I were rich of a starch then imagine harmony and prolong.
It's not you that would lose only I; the void is now important.
Casuals wish an opiate, while faith is too; the known hesitant.

No regrets, words move my thoughts and break these walls.
The 'III' will be a man of values, but tarnish the future yawls.
Feeling you, it's from the inside but no souls since it's skeptical.
I can honestly say, it's a learning experience and not rhetorical.

No regrets, I sustain a substantial blow to what is a personality.
Eyes glisten, ears low and I know a fellow who loves nationality.
You aren't given each day, so dedicate your time with concern.
Staking the glass pane window; pacing as I wait for time to learn.

No regrets, did I even mention a reason to read is just a demand.
Voices in your head and visualize it; the plan ahead is a clock hand.
Money to endure, freedom by chance, but thinking is where I stand.
Bow to your knees and sheer into the unknown; wilderness, my land.

No regrets, never to be mentioned as long as I live… find the virtue.
Over time again it falls on a weekend, when will I make way to you.
Conduct my wrath; it explains the displeasure so do not question.
I am responsible to patch the unreasonable, vindictive ingestion.

No regrets, I made a deposit in your beaker while you were looking.
Casting brightness over my land, I suggest you check into booking.
It's a losing battle, struggling for a way, so let's keep it intelligible.
Give a donation for the years to come; I feel your mind is ineligible.

No regrets, I must tell you about this modern world being archaic.
Truth is what causes the most pain and I fear for the missing formulaic.
He will be wise, handsome, and blissful in ways they won't comprehend.
Go gather heavy rocks and place as a leader because you set the trend.

No regrets, you must question everything and make your innovations.
Finish what you start to complete the process of the wise initiations.
Stand on your own; it's okay when you have admiration for the sky.
When you grow older and make an inquest, just ask daddy why.

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