Dear Poem Poem by Thabitha Marakalala

Dear Poem

Dear poem

I have been writing you for a long time
There are days I would ask myself if you will still stick with me
When I no longer know how to rhyme
You have always been my mirror
You always seem good even when am broken
I love the fact that you always correct me when am mistaken

You hold me in
On black pages you allow me
To wet you with my glutting tears
Painting sorrows red, black n blue
Hidden colours of a trilling soul
You are always there comforting me
With rhythms and rhymes
My beloved one-night stand
Who never stops coming
To love me at all the right times

You who never lies except when I want to
It's through you that I learned that
A poet is a liar who utters the truth
So it's safe to say I learn the best from you
I just wanted to thank you
For being there for me
bearing unbearable grief
Inking moments of contentment
I love you for holding my pain
Rising it for me to see the possible light
Thank you poetry
For the braveness you portray..


Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
Tom Allport 23 May 2017

a poem of thanks to the art of creative writing of which any form of poetry is? ...............well written.

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