Deep Sea Diver Poem by Mia Baer

Deep Sea Diver

I'm going to hold my breath underwater
Let's set a new record for the
longest time spent.
I'm not a goldfish I do not have gills
But I can swim down until I'm lightheaded
And that is enough.
When holding my breath
I must stay perfectly still
Float like a water bug, still as a tree

Or I could be an alligator
And breathe through my nose
And peer right at the surface
Sea level perspective

When you scuba dive
You are almost deaf
Only sound is the pressure on you
Deep water diving
Heartbeat pounding
In your ear drum thumping
Is the only sound
When I'm diving down deep
I am under pressure.

I defy equilibrium
I am alone
My heartbeat pounds in my ear drum
I become my eyes and
I float free with the fishes
And we swim free in
The currents of our lives.
What we see when we dive:
Vivid coral reefs in full color;
I become all that I see.

But I am out of breath and I dart towards the surface and gasp!
I am the alligator and I need to breathe through my nose
I'm not a goldfish I do not have gills
The longest time spent so far
I can reach clarity
That is how long I can hold my breath.
How do I save my progress
Before the sea pulls me back
And washes me aknew anew

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