Despair Poem by William J. (Skip) Henderson Jr.


Hopeless feeling of personal abandonment of your emotions
While living in a perpetual battle for the goodness of ones being.
Despondency from the weight of frivolous obstacles that steal your focus,
Rob you of emotional ties to that which is important in life.

A hopeless feeling of unfulfilled expectations lays waste ones desires.
Riding up an escalator toward a floor of disdain for the positive,
Accentuating the negative, while walking down the dark side of life.

Apathy pervades all conscious thought; an I don’t care attitude prevails.
The challenging seems mundane and you cast off things as not important.
Physically you become ill, unsettled, simple pleasures are just out of reach.

Sensing your mood and state of presence, caring ones all around
Fear broaching your space not knowing your state of mind
They are defensive not understanding the circumstances you cope with.

This defensive state causes them to withdraw and that sends you into a deeper spiral.
Sense of humor escapes you and only the absurd brings about any laughter.
All that does stimulate you become actions fraught with temerity.

A helpless feeling prevents you from getting involved
Motivation evades while understanding exactly what is happening around you.
While knowing that that is just what you need to do; ambition wanes!

Absent ambition a foundering numbness takes over your rationale
That leaves with you no reason and emptiness until you can find
The only remedy for the eventual demolition of your being.
Purpose! Purpose begets all that is lost in the battle with despair.

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